Gluten Free Coffee Cake Cookies

 Tender, sweet, slightly crunchy, and so heavenly - these coffee cake cookies have been an absolute hit with my family and friends. I know they'll be a hit for yours too. They're totally phenomenal. 

I've seen cookies like these floating around the internet, Instagram, TikTok, and blogs for the last several months, and I decided that I just had to make them. and, more than that, I knew I had to "gluten-free-ify" them!

These coffee cake cookies were first created by and are based on the classic show, Gilmore Girls, and the two main characters' Lorelai and Rory's love and addiction to coffee. 

Although they might look fancy or difficult, I promise that they are not. Very simple steps, a handful of household ingredients you keep on hand, and a few minutes of your time is all you need to whip these up and impress your entire family. They're just incredible.


As I was testing this recipe, I made a couple different batches - so, I was drowning in cookies. I took some to work with me, and my coworkers were in heaven. With my day-job being in the food industry, too, that means my coworkers have very high standards and refined palates, but they adored these. When they say recipes are a success .. that means that they TRULY are. So, trust their word.. not mine. 

One of my coworkers said, "these cookies taste like the best part of a coffee cake. The yummy, streusel-y top." 

Another coworker said, "all the best parts of coffee cake but with a perfect and buttery texture all throughout. They're heaven!"

Parts of the Coffee Cake Cookie:

- Cinnamon Cookie Dough Base

- Streusel Top

- Vanilla Icing Drizzle


Tips for Making Coffee Cake Cookies:

- If your Streusel is Not Crumbling:

Add a bit more flour. It depends on your elevation and humidity levels, but you might need to add more flour. Keep sprinkling in a bit more flour until the streusel is a crumbly texture that still holds its texture when squeezed. 

- If your cookie dough is too wet and not thick enough: 

The first time I made these cookies, the cookie dough was not as "dough-y" as I wanted, so I needed to add about 1/4 cup more flour, but the next few times I made them - I did not have to add any extra. 

It depends on the day, humidity, and elevation, like I said. So, just adjust where you need to. You want to make sure it is the proper consistency to scoop, and where you can press an indent into the dough ball for your streusel to go. 

The consistency of your dough will also depend on what kind of gluten free flour you use, and if your gluten free flour already has xanthan gum. Each brand adds differing amounts. That is why I suggest getting a gluten free flour blend that does not contain xanthin gum, and you can add it in yourself. 

- What if I don't need gluten free cookies?

Simply swap the same amount of All Purpose flour for the gluten free flour in the recipe, and omit the xanthan gum. Same for the streusel recipe. Easy as that.

- My cookies are grainy - what do I do?

Gluten free cookies can be tricky. But, did you see my tip for helping avoid grainy cookies? Make sure that you let your finished cookie dough rest for about 5-7 minutes, before scooping or baking. This tip goes for almost any gluten free recipe, really. Gluten free flours and starches need extra time to absorb the moisture that we've added into the recipe, and when we allow it time to do this - we are less likely to have a grainy baked good in the end. The flours are thirsty and need more time to drink up the butter, oils, and milks that most recipes call for. Try it! It's great. I do this with my gluten free waffles, cookies, muffins, and cake batters. 


made the recipe?

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